SA boere steeds skepties
Die Suider-Afrika Inisiatief (Saai) het President Ramaphosa se standpunt dat die ANC nie die EFF se strewe na die nasionalisering van grond steun nie verwelkom, maar glo dat die...
Saai loods veldtog teen ontwapening
Uit terugvoer van die Suider-Afrika Agri Innitiatief (Saai) se lede is dit duidelik dat boere nie nou gaan toelaat dat hulle ontwapen word nie. Die ANC se inisiatief om...
TLU SA condemns study
TLU SA recently deplored the poor quality of the government’s impact study on expropriation without compensation made public by Sakeliga this week. According to TLU SA, it is an...
New OHS for citrus workers
The latest news from the citrus industry is the amended Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) direction for section 4(1)(i). It requires that all employers must provide workers with information...
Implement Rural Safety Strategy now
“We don’t need more or any new plans to curb rural crime, just implement the Rural Safety Strategy that was launched in 2019,” said Uys van der Westhuijzen, the...
TLU SA loods minimum loon dispuut
Die Transvaalse Landbou Unie van Suid-Afrika (TLU SA) het ‘n beroep gedoen op landbouers, plaaswerkers en ander Suid-Afrikaners wat besef dat ‘n minimum loon vir plaaswerkers op die oomblik...
Agri SA on Expropriation Bill
Agri SA submitted its commentary on the Expropriation Bill electronically to the Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure on the 22nd of February, according to Annelize Crosby who...
“We have enough policies, we lack implementation”
The president presented arguably his most important State of the Nation Address (SONA) owing to the unprecedented global Covid-19 pandemic, according to Christo van der Rheede, the executive director...
Landbank wek steeds kommer vir landbou sektor
Met dié dat die Landbank in duie gestort het ten spyte van die vele reddingsboeie wat die regering uitgegooi het, sit vele boere met ‘n ernstige penarie rondom inset-finansiering.Indien...
VLU Valencia-tak skop jaar op hoë noot af
Die Vroue Landbou Unie (VLU) Valencia-tak op Letsitele spog na die eerste vergadering vanjaar met vyf nuwe lede. Twee van dié vyf lede het ook geskiedenis vir die tak...